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Home » 7 Types Of Clothes In Your Closet To Declutter

7 Types Of Clothes In Your Closet To Declutter

  • Zak 
clothes to declutter from your closet

My mother always told me that my environment is a direct reflection of my mind. Guess what? My room was an absolute mess, and so was my mind. Since adopting minimalism, I have been on a journey to rediscover the meaning of life while owning less. Coming from someone who was stuck in the race of materialism, it was a shock to my system. But like most people who set out to declutter their homes, I started with my closet. So this article will cover all the types of clothes in your closet to declutter.

I don’t know why I felt such a strong resistance to part with my clothes. Some items were clearly out of fashion, while others were untouched. I was conflicted because I felt like parting with my clothes was a waste of money.

Now pair that feeling with some sentimentality to make matters worse. Despite that, I proceeded to declutter my closet, and now that I have, it feels great!

It became apparent that I was holding onto clothes for silly reasons.

Here are some of the benefits I’ve noticed since decluttering my closet:

  • I have way more space in my closet.
  • Maintaining a clean and organized closet is simpler than before.
  • It’s easier to select outfits since everything I own is what I actually use.

I passed on a ton of unused clothes to my youngest cousin, and it felt good to see them being appreciated and used.

That’s definitely something you can also look forward to.

Related article: The 6 types of clutter to minimize in your life

7 Types Of Clothes To Declutter From Your Closet

types of clothes to declutter

1. Clothes that don’t fit

Regardless of whether they are too big or too small, if they don’t fit you right now, it’s best to remove them from your closet. My advice would be to donate them to someone who can make use of them before they discolor or go out of fashion.

2. Unfashionable or damaged jackets

A lot of jackets are designed with longevity in mind. But that doesn’t mean you should hold onto jackets you’ve owned for years. Jackets that look dated or have been damaged need to go. They take up too much space for a piece of clothing that’s only used in specific weather conditions.

3. Unused for more than a year

If you haven’t used a piece of clothing for more than a year, you probably never will. If you do, it’s only going to be for a one-time event. Unless it’s a designer dress or a wedding dress that costs a fortune, declutter it from your closet.

Related article: Should I wear the same clothes every day?

4. Discolored clothes

There have been many times when I purchased a t-shirt and intended to use it for a special occasion or when it fit, only to be disappointed to find it discolored or frayed. Sure, I could have taken precautions to slow down or prevent discoloration, but the truth is that all material-based items will perish in some way over time. You could try to restore the color, but in my opinion, it’s better to declutter discolored clothes from your closet because, just like me, you probably aren’t going to fix it.

5. Musty-smelling clothes

When clothes are stored without proper airflow in a dark environment, it’s possible for bacteria or mildew to grow and feed off material fibers. This is when clothes begin to smell musty, with a lingering odor that never truly disappears. It’s best to remove this type of clothing from your closet and trash it.

6. Unwanted gifts

We all have those jerseys, scarves, t-shirts, or accessories that were gifted to us by friends and family. It’s difficult to part with these gifts, but if you don’t use them and they’ve been collecting dust in your closet for months or years, it’s time to remove them. As for gifts from ex-partners, they should go.

7. Clothing with sentimental value

Would you believe me if I told you that I’ve actually held onto a football jersey I got during high school? It doesn’t fit me anymore; the color is hideous; it smells; and it’s discolored. I’m sentimental and like to hold onto things. But I feel like sentimental value should be placed on the most important items, not just old goods from a time that has passed. Only hold onto a handful of sentimental items and remove the rest from your closet.

It may feel difficult at first, but I promise you that it’s rewarding to declutter these types of clothes from your closet. Take the plunge and get rid of the old to make room for what you actually use and some new items to come.

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