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Home ยป How To Lay Carpet Over Laminate Flooring (Step-by-Step)

How To Lay Carpet Over Laminate Flooring (Step-by-Step)

  • Zak 
installing carpet on laminate, laying carpet over laminate floors

There aren’t many types of floors on the market that offer the same type of durability, water resistance, and aesthetic appeal at an affordable cost as laminate flooring. It’s a winner in every regard. But, when it comes to comfort, nothing beats carpet. Let’s say that you have laminate flooring in a room that you want to replace with carpet, but you don’t want to go through the hassle of removing the laminate flooring. Can it be done? Yes, it can. In this article, I’m going to share with you a step-by-step process on how to lay carpet over laminate flooring.

Here’s what I like about this idea:

By laying carpet over laminate flooring, you don’t have to discard or lose money by destroying the laminate floors.

In the event that the carpet was damaged or compromised, or if you simply had a change of mind down the road, you could remove the carpet and resort back to the laminate flooring that was preserved underneath.

To cap it off, laminate flooring is smooth and even. So, laying carpet over it would ensure that the surface is even throughout the room.

Here’s a list of tools you’ll need for this tutorial:

  • Carpet
  • Hammer
  • Utility knife
  • Measuring tape
  • Carpet padding
  • Staple gun
  • Tack strips
  • Power stretcher or knee kicker

Once you’ve acquired all the necessary tools and equipment, we can begin.

Step-by-Step Instructions On Installing Carpet Over Laminate Floors

Step 1: Prepare the floor

The very first step requires an organized and clean room that is free of dirt, dust, and debris.

So, remove all the furniture from the room and clean the floors.

We want the floor to be even and free of irregularities before laying the carpet. If there are any missing pieces or cracks, smooth them over and install pieces on the ground to even it out.

Step 2: Measure the floor

Grab the measuring tape and make a note of the dimensions of the floor.

This is a crucial step that ensures we purchase enough carpet and padding to cover the entire floor.

As a rule of thumb, always add a few extra inches to your measurements to allow for adjustments. It’s better to have more carpet and padding than less of it.

Step 3: Install the padding

The purpose of using padding on the laminate flooring is to add a buffer that protects both the carpet and the laminate.

It also provides additional cushioning that prevents indentations in the carpet and enhances its softness. Place the padding on the floor and trim the excess using the utility knife.

Use the staple gun along the corners to secure the padding in place.

Step 4: Install the tack strips

Tack strips are thin and long pieces of wood that are nailed onto the floor to provide support for the carpet.

Tack strips are to be installed around the perimeter of the room, leaving a small gap between the wall and the tack strip or the wall and the floor. This also gives you enough room to insert trimmings onto the wall for a seamless transition between the two.

You will need to use the hammer to knock the tack stripe into place.

Step 5: Install the carpet

Now that all the preparation is complete, you can install the carpet. Lay out the carpet across the floor until the edges overlap the walls.

Be sure to place the carpet in a way that takes the pattern and pipe direction into consideration so that it looks consistent on the floor.

Cut and trim the edges using the utility knife without damaging the padding or laminate flooring as you cut.

Neaten up and ensure that the carpet is laying flush on the floor.

Step 6: Secure the carpet in place

The last thing we want is for the carpet to shift and fold in places when furniture is placed on it and people walk over it.

So, use the power stretcher or knee-kicker to firmly and securely place the carpet onto the tack strips.

Stretch the carpet out without creating bulges, folds, or wrinkles.

Step 7: Finish up

Check the floor to ensure that the carpet is aligned and wrinkle free.

Work your way across the border of the room and trim any edges that appear untidy.

Then, tuck the carpet edges into the gap between the tack strip and the wall before you add the furniture back.

Final Thoughts 

There you have it. A simple and easy-to-follow guide on how to install carpet over laminate flooring.

So long as you follow the steps in this guide, you’ll have no problem installing carpet on the floor in a professional manner.

Always work with measurements, leave room for adjustments, and work in an organized fashion.

That’s what it takes to get the best results when working with floors.

Once you’re done, you can enjoy the wonderful and comfortable attributes of having carpets in a room.

With that being said, I hope you found this article to be easy to follow and informative. Be sure to check out some of our other helpful guides that are linked below.

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