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How To Fix Gaps In Hardwood Floors

  • Zak 
fix gaps in hardwood floors

There isn’t another type of flooring in the world that makes a home feel as warm, lively, and inviting as hardwood floors. There’s just something incredibly charming about walking on wood and the rich texture accompanied by the color and stain. But, it’s tricky to install, and often, one of the problems homeowners face is gaps in the floor. So, in today’s article, I’m going to share an effective strategy on how to fix gaps in hardwood floors.

The step-by-step guide below is designed to help you fill gaps in hardwood floors in a cost effective manner. You can definitely do it yourself if there’s no larger structural problem causing the problem.

Before we proceed with the solution, it would be helpful to touch on what causes gaps in the hardwood floor so that you can prevent it from happening in the future and solve it as quickly as possible. 

What Causes Gaps In Hardwood Floors?

causes of gaps in wood floors

1. Expansion and contraction 

Given that wood is a natural material that has the ability to expand and contract, it is only natural to expect gaps in hardwood floors due to fluctuating temperature and humidity levels. In time, when these natural elements affect the wood, it can cause gaps to appear between the planks.

2. Age plus wear and tear

Most floors that are installed in this manner run the risk of shifting, expanding, and contracting over time. When you have high foot traffic and that constant pressure is exerted on the floor, there’s a chance that shifting or buckling occurs. Age and wear tend to be some of the common causes of gaps in hardwood floors, specifically in older homes.

3. Fluctuation in humidity levels

Both hardwood and softwood floors are susceptible to change when exposed to heat or humidity. When humidity levels are low, the wood shrinks, which is what causes gaps to appear. Conversely, when humidity levels are low, the wood may expand, causing some displacement to occur. When the wood returns to normal, gaps appear due to the displacement caused by expansion.

4. Poor Installation

Unless you’re certain that the floors were installed correctly using the right type of materials, equipment, measurements, and placement, there’s a strong chance that gaps may appear. Professional flooring companies take pride in factoring in things like expansion and contraction before cutting, placing, and installing wood panels.

5. Irregular exposure to moisture

As you know, most wood, even hardwood, is not waterproof. They may be water resistant but excessive or constant exposure to water or moisture can lead to damage and rotting. If areas of the hardwood floors have been exposed to moisture for an extended period of time, gaps may have formed as a result.

6. Subfloor issues

Before hardwood floors are installed, it is of paramount importance to ensure that the subfloor is even and stable. In the event that it isn’t, gaps will most certainly appear in hardwood floors because the subfloor isn’t providing enough structural support by being strong and rigid.

Here’s How To Fix Gaps In Hardwood Floors Yourself

how to fix gaps in wood floors

1. Identify the cause of the gaps

As you know by now, gaps can be caused by a number of different factors, such as humidity changes, seasonal changes, unstable subflooring, excessive moisture, or age and wear. 

Identifying the cause can help you prevent the gaps from recurring in the future. 

In some cases, all you need to do is address the gaps themselves, but in the case of the subfloor or moisture, you need to fix or solve these issues first because the problem will just recur in the future if you don’t.

2. Fill the gaps with wood filler

In some cases, it isn’t possible to have the sheets or flooring lifted or readjusted. That’s when wood filler comes into play.

Wood filler is a putty-like substance used to fill gaps and cracks in wood. Take some time to adequately select a color of wood filler that matches the color of your hardwood floors. 

Thereafter, apply the wood filler to the gaps with a putty knife, making sure to fill the gaps completely.

3. Sand the filled gaps

Before we can proceed, you need to give the wood filler some time to dry. In a lot of ways, this is the same process you would use to fill cracks or holes in a wall. 

Once dried, you may sand the filled gaps with fine-grit sandpaper to smooth out any rough edges and to make the filled gaps level with the surrounding floor. 

I would also caution you against sanding with too much force or for too long. This can damage the floor.

4. Stain and finish

To create a smooth and indistinguishable appearance, it is advisable to stain the area that was filled. 

Start by selecting the correct type of stain. 

Then, apply the stain with something like a rag or brush, being sure to follow the grain of the wood. 

Thereafter, give the stain time to dry completely before applying a coat of finish to protect the area and give it a polished and pristine look.

5. Prevent future gaps

To prevent too much shifting through expansion or contraction, it is important to maintain good humidity levels in your home. 

You can do this by simply using a humidifier in the winter and a dehumidifier in the summer when it gets too hot. 

Additionally, be sure to clean and maintain your hardwood floors regularly. 

Dry up any spills between gaps or on the floor by blotting and wiping the liquid. Use a hairdryer in areas that are hard to reach.

Sweep daily and vacuum at least once per week. Remove and prevent dust and debris from collecting in the gaps because this can exacerbate the issue.

Final Thoughts

That brings us to the end of this article on how to fix gaps in hardwood floors. Granted, there are some cases when you’ll need to invest in a professional flooring service to come in and repair the subfloor or remove and replace certain boards of wood.

But, if the gaps in your hardwood floor aren’t a symptom of a bigger problem, you could use the steps shared above to fix them without spending a ton of money.

With that being said, I hope you found it to be an easy to follow guide that can fix the gaps in your hardwood floor for a long time. If you would like to read more useful articles like this one, check out the links below:

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