When it comes to creating a smooth, even, and level surface on floors, grout is the perfect material used between tiles. It is easy to mold and simple to apply, while being quite affordable. But, it’s not infallible, which means that it will sustain some degree of damage and discoloration over time. This begs the question, “Can I put new grout over old grout?”
Yes, you can put new grout over old grout, especially if the old grout has been worn down over time. However, it’s important to consider the condition of the old grout, the color, and the type of tiles in question. If you were not trying to save time and some money, I would simply advise most homeowners to remove old grout from tiles before applying new grout to them. This will help to prevent cracks and other issues from forming for a much longer period of time.
The main thing to consider is the condition of the grout that currently exists. Upon inspection, it should be in great or good condition before you apply new grout over it.
What constitutes great or good condition?
Simply put, it should not be cracked or broken in several places. Slight discoloration is expected, and it may have thinned over time due to foot traffic or wear and tear. That’s okay as long as there’s mold growing over the old grout.
What To Consider Before Regrouting Tiles
Moldy grout will take on a green and black appearance. It’s very easy to mistake it for dirt or discoloration, but it’s actually mold, which is hazardous to your health. If you’re unfamiliar with the effects of mold, it’s basically a type of fungus that can trigger all sorts of respiratory or sinus issues.
It’s not healthy for you, nor is it healthy for pets.
Eventually, mold will also create an odor that is repulsive and extremely difficult to ignore.
This is one of the prime reasons why you may need to replace old grout in the first place. If you were to apply new grout over old grout that is broken or moldy, it would just end up breaking as well or being uneven.
Worst of all, the mold will eventually creep upward and onward until it has spread to the new grout.
Another factor to consider is whether the tiles in question are natural or synthetic. Natural based tiles like granite or stone tend to have a porous structure.
As a result, there is a chance that the tiles will absorb moisture, which could result in the growth of mold or discoloration.
In this case, it would be advisable to apply new grout once the old grout has been removed.
When regrouting tiles, you also have to consider whether the main objective is to refresh the appearance of the grout or change the color and finish altogether.
In the case of the former, you could simply apply new grout over the old grout, given that the style and color will be the same.
In the latter case, you’d have to remove the old grout to ensure that none of the old color shows through.
Also, you can improve the overall strength and consistency since there’s no underlying layer of grout that may be uneven or compromised.
Allow me to share a quick little hack that I learned a long time ago.
If the overall texture and surface of the grout are good but it has suffered some discoloration or damage in some areas, you can use a coin to actually scrape off the top layer.
Make sure the coin is dry, place it at an angle against the grout, and pull it towards you. Use enough force to make sure that you are removing the top layer. Afterwards, lightly rub it down with a cloth that is dry to remove any excess grout that has been scraped off.
This little DIY trick may save you from having to regrout the tiles for some time.
It’s a temporary solution, but it definitely works, especially on grout that is neutral in color.
Final Thoughts
With that being said, that brings us to the end of this article on whether or not you can put new grout over old grout.
As discussed earlier, you can put new grout over old grout provided that there isn’t significant damage, discoloration, or mold on the old grout.
If there is, you will need to remove the old grout before applying a new layer of grout.
Generally speaking, I would just invest the time and effort into removing the old layer and applying a new layer of grout. It just ensures that there’s an even and consistent surface, texture, and color throughout the floor.
That being said, if you enjoyed this article and would like to learn more about installing or maintaining the floors in your home, be sure to check out some of the useful articles I’ve linked below.
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